My French Cupcake
I know I missed week 3
It is all cut out and I will get to it but things got on top of me and there was no sewing going on at our place.
But I'm back and ready to go
LOVE is in the air
and Little J is head over heels in LOVE
with cupcakes
and fashion of course :)
with cupcakes
and fashion of course :)
Little J's top is based on this pattern
I turned it into a top and used casings and elastic in the arms instead of shirring.
The skirt is velvet, so is the applique
You may remember this fabric from these posts
I am very much in LOVE with sashes and bows :)
This one was made from organic homespun
organic homespun
I am totally taking credit for these BLACK leather ballet shoes
before anyone gets too excited I can only take credit for them being black :)
I wish I made the cupcake but I didn't :(
Great bit of shopping though!
Thank you Little J
Here are a couple of fun pics to finish off
(just to prove we do enjoy it)
its just not a photo shoot without Little O lol.